Stelling Hydraulics is founded in March 2014 .
Our company aims at the development of innovative software for flows and waves.
Flooding is an increasing hazard to society and good governance now implies careful water management in terms of design, planning and control of urban and rural areas. This requires that rainstorms, extreme water levels and so on are taken into account with relevant precision. A great aid is the existence of graphical information systems with raster-based digital elevation models (DEMs). Modern technology such as Lidar means that DEMs are of everincreasing resolution.
Since 2014 our company is involved in the development of a novel system 3Di for transport, flooding and drainage analysis together with Nelen & Schuurmans. The computational core of 3Di is GISFLOW®.
GISFLOW® is based on the integration of 2D free surface flow, goundwater flow and 1D channel networks, with both free surface and pressurized flow. This is combined with Digital Elevation Maps for accurate flooding analysis.
Em. Prof. Dr. Ir. Guus Stelling
Co-founder, scientific director
Mrs. Judy Stelling
Co-founder, managing director